Dear Friend,
I heard a story from a pastor about a town in the Northeast that was going to be flooded due to the construction of a dam in one of the local rivers. As soon as the news of this spread, the town essentially shut down. Oh yes, there were people there, but construction stopped, buildings were no longer painted, and no repairs were made to anything.
So week after week, month after month, the town became a less and less desirable place to be. Crime increased, and people overall simply had a terrible attitude about life. The pastor who told this story explained this whole phenomenon with a simple phrase I’ll never forget:
“When there is no faith in the future, there’s no power in the present.”
That’s what hope really is, isn’t it? It’s faith that your future circumstances are going to be better than your situation today. And it’s by that very kind of hope that we gain our power and our strength for today because Christ has promised us that our future will be better than our present. Isn’t that wonderful?!
It’s our prayer… as you’ve read on our website about the hope you have in Christ… you’ve been encouraged as you’ve discovered the amazing promise of a better future you have no matter what situation you’re facing today.
As always, thank you for your faithful prayers and gifts
to help seniors all over the globe embrace the life God intends. You are such a blessing!
Warren & Virginia Olson