Dear Friend,
The great evangelist Billy Graham once said,
“Historians will probably call our era ‘the age of anxiety.’ Anxiety is the natural result when our hopes are centered in anything short of God and His will for us.”
He’s exactly right! Worry overwhelms so many in our world today—and it’s absolutely crippling to their faith. More than anger, lust, and envy, worry’s subtle grip has the power to drag us down and keep us from embracing the life God intends.
But we have a choice. We can wallow in our worries, or we can make the decision to place our hope in God and His will for us.
You see, worry stems from one of two sources: a lack of trust in God’s ability, or a lack of trust in His goodness. You can’t fully trust God and still have worry—they’re completely incompatible!
So the next time you find yourself worrying, ask yourself, Am I not trusting in God’s ability to solve my problem? Or am I not trusting His goodness and that He always looks out for my best?
Your answer will enable you to pinpoint the source of your worry, put whatever it is you’re anxious about in the right perspective, and keep your faith rightly placed in the goodness and power of your Father in heaven.
I hope you’ve been encouraged to embrace life over worry by this edition of our SeniorLife newsletter. And I hope you’ll allow us to come alongside you in casting your worries and cares upon the Lord, by letting us know how we can pray for you. Just visit to send us your request.
As always, thank you for your generous support of what God is doing through Senior Living. We’re grateful to partner with you to help more seniors embrace the life God intends!