“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
— John 4:24
Pliny the Elder, a Roman writer who lived during the same time period as Jesus, told a story of the setting of a 99-foot-tall obelisk. Over 20,000 workers were chosen to pull on the ropes to hoist the apparatus. This was a tremendous responsibility. Just one mishap could cause the obelisk to fall and destroy years of work.
So the king decided he would take out an insurance policy to ensure the very best focus from the engineer who would oversee the task. He ordered the engineer’s own son to be strapped to the apex of the obelisk so that his heart, as well as his head, would be fully given to the task at hand.
When it comes to any task, we will perform better if we fully dedicate both our heads and our hearts to the work. This is especially true when it comes to sharing Christ with others. If we share only truth from our head, then the message of love might get lost in the conversation. If we only share from our hearts, then we run the risk of gushing emotionally without any logical argument.
But when we use our heads and our hearts—telling others the good news and showing them how much we love them—then our message becomes much more effective. So share Christ from your head, as well as from your heart. It’s the most effective way to get the good news across!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would help you share the message of Christ and show the love of Christ to others every day.
Questions for Thought
When it comes to sharing truth or showing love, which one do you feel more comfortable doing?
Who is one person this week with whom you can share the truth and love of Jesus Christ?