Dear Friend,
Let’s be honest … sharing the Gospel isn’t always easy!
It’s not easy to begin a spiritual conversation and it’s not always comfortable to tell others Jesus is the only way to eternal life. So when we really get down to it, sharing Christ with others takes some serious Spirit-empowered guts!
But let me ask you a simple question, which is greater: your fear of what others might or might not think, or your concern for their eternal destiny?
When you think about it like that, any fear we experience when sharing our faith should actually pale in comparison to our deep concern for those who are headed toward a Christ-less eternity.
Friend, you can make a difference in someone’s life. Ask God to help you love others more than you fear sharing Christ. When you do, you’ll find that while you might be rejected at times, you’ll be a powerful tool for the expansion of God’s Kingdom!
I truly hope this edition of Senior Life has been a blessing to you as you’ve learned how to share Christ in your daily life.
As always, thank you so much for your generous and faithful gifts to help more seniors embrace the life God intends. You are one of our biggest blessings, and we are grateful for you!