How to shine a light in the world

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

— Matthew 5:16

There was a young salesman early in his career who was disappointed about losing a big sale. He was talking with his manager, and told him, “Well, I guess it just proves you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.”
The manager replied, “Son, take my advice: Your job is not to make him drink. Your job is to make him thirsty.”
That’s a lot like how Jesus told us our evangelistic life should be. Our character, our conduct, and our speech should be so filled with Christ that it creates a thirst for the Gospel in those who don’t have it.
If a lost person took an honest look at your work life, your family life, your social life, or your personal life, would it point them to Jesus? In other words, would opening these parts of your life to others make them thirst for the peace, hope, and love you have in Jesus Christ?
No one is perfect. But even in our imperfections, we can live our lives in such a way that we shine a light in the world and create a thirst in others for the Savior!


Prayer Challenge

Ask God to make you a light in the darkness, so that others would thirst for the Gospel.


Questions for Thought:

Think of someone you know who really exemplifies the Gospel in how they live. What character traits do they have that make such an impact?

In what areas of your life do you feel like you’re showing the Gospel to others? Are there any areas where you aren’t?