Rarely does a week go by that we don’t receive a prayer request from a hurting senior that cuts us to the heart. Take this one from sweet “Eunice”…
“My husband is slowly getting to the point that I fear he has Alzheimer’s as his mother had. I’m having a hard time myself accepting his ill health. I want to be there for him, help him and be with him and encourage him. Please pray I can do it the way God wants me to.”
Thanks to the support of friends like you, our team of prayer partners was there for Eunice. They prayed for her and her husband by name, and we were able to encourage her that she’s not alone in her struggles – that God is with her every step of her difficult journey.
This is the kind of encouragement seniors need – to know they have friends in the faith who are lifting them up to the Lord in their trials.
That’s why we’re asking for your best gift below to help keep our prayer ministry going strong for people like Eunice who need this powerful tool each and every day.
Thank you for your generous support today, and God bless you!