Q Warren, I’ve been praying a long time about a big struggle I’m facing, but God seems silent. How can I get my prayers answered?
A I love what Pastor Jack Graham says about being patient when it doesn’t seem like our prayers are being answered…
Sometimes God says, “No.” Sometimes He says, “Slow” when the timing is not right. Sometimes He says, “Grow” when He’s building our patience and our character. But when we pray in faith and the time is right, God will say, “Go,” and open the windows of heaven and pour out the answer.
So don’t get discouraged when your prayers aren’t being answered—there’s a reason! Look for what God is doing in the waiting.
Q Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out if what I’m praying for is the will of God. How can I know for sure?
A One very important prayer-time companion is your Bible so that you can read what the Word says about what you’re praying about. For example, if you’re praying for patience with someone or something, read what God has to say about patience. If you are talking to God about depression or anxiety, read about His promises to bring comfort.
The best way to find God’s will on any subject is to look to the Bible. So have one handy, along with a topical reference, so you’ll know for sure you’re biblically informed when it comes to prayer.