Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow. — James 1:17
When it comes to Christmas shopping, most people fall into one of two categories. They either dread shopping and stress over finding the right gift for their loved ones, or they love the process of carefully seeking out that perfect gift for each person on their list.
As the old saying goes, “It’s the thought that counts,” but the truth is there is a lot of pressure to find a meaningful present, especially for a spouse, a child, or grandkids. Most of us just want to bring a little joy into the lives of those around us with the gifts we give them at Christmas.
In today’s Scripture, James reminds us, in a way, that out efforts to give a “perfect gift” are really futile. God’s already got the market cornered on perfect gifts. And at Christmas we look to Him in thanksgiving and praise for that ultimate perfect gift of Jesus, given for us.
Of course, we can still give meaningful and unique presents to touch the hearts of those we love, but there’s no pressure to find a “perfect” one, because that’s already been given – it came down from our heavenly Father.
So this Advent season, give thanks to your Father in heaven for the many good and perfect gifts He’s given you, starting with the gift of eternal life you have through Christ.
Prayer Challenge
Ask God if there is anyone in your life that needs to hear about the perfect gift of Christ this season, and for the opportunity to share Him with that person.
Questions for thought
What’s the most special gift you’ve ever received from someone? What made it special?
In addition to the gift of Jesus, what are some other good and perfect gifts you’ve received from God?