He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8
It was a simple clerical error, but it could be the most expensive typo of all time. In 1978, Prudential, the largest insurance company in the U.S., loaned $160 million to United States Lines, a shipping firm. As part of the deal, Prudential got a lien on eight ships.
In 1986, U.S. Lines went into bankruptcy proceedings and started selling off assets. Prudential said it was owed nearly $93 million, the value of the lien, from the ships’ sale. Or so the insurance company thought. A close look at the lien documents disclosed that someone had omitted three little zeros, thus entitling Prudential to only $92,885 instead of $92,885,000.
The clerical error was corrected, but it cost Prudential millions in legal fees and contract negotiations, all of which could have been avoided if only the contract were correct in the first place.
In the Christian life, the little things matter. Not with regards to salvation—that’s already settled if you’re in Christ. But when it comes to growing in God’s grace and deepening your relationship with Him, it’s the small, daily acts of love that serve as steps toward a more fulfilling relationship with God.
So remember, focus on the small things. Spend nuggets of time in God’s Word. Find everyday ways to show His love to others. It’s those small acts that will help you grow in big ways!
Prayer Challenge
Pray and ask God to show you how you can grow in His grace through small, everyday acts.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people become frustrated and quit when trying to make dramatic changes in their spiritual lives?
What are a few small practical things you can implement in your life today that will help you grow spiritually?