Dear children, keep yourselves from idols. – 1 John 5:21

There’s a story about an African Muslim who decided to become a Christian. His friends, perplexed at his decision to turn his back on Islam and follow Jesus, asked him, “Why did you become a Christian?”
His answer spoke volumes. He told them…
“Suppose you were going down the road and suddenly came to a fork, and you didn’t know which way to go. At the fork, you see two men… one is dead, and one is alive. Which of the two would you ask which way to go?”
Jesus stands out in history among other religious figures because unlike them, He is alive. The grave is empty – He’s risen from the dead. No founder of any other religion can claim that.
In a world full of false idols: other religions, money, people, status, remember that only Jesus will last forever. The resurrection proves that. Take time today to focus on the resurrection and what it means for you. And share the good news of Jesus with others as well!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to give you a stronger appreciation of the resurrection – and what it means for you.
Questions for thought
What does the resurrection say about who Jesus is and what He taught?
With so many false idols in the world, how can you keep your focus on Jesus?