Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. – Hebrews 4:16

In one of Charles Schulz’s famous “Peanuts” cartoons, Lucy philosophizes about life as Charlie Brown listens woefully.
“Charlie Brown,” she begins, “life is a lot like a deck chair. Someplace it to see where they’ve been. And some so they can see where they are at present.” Charlie Brown gives a big sigh and says, “I can’t even get mine unfolded.”
Have you ever felt like that? Like you can’t even get the day started.
The truth is that life can be rough, and the struggles we face don’t usually wait their turn. But it’s in those moments when everything seems to be colliding at once that you can walk right up to God and say, “Father, I can’t do this, please take over.
That’s your privilege as a child of the King – to approach God’s throne of grace with confidence.
Whether you’re dealing with stress, sickness, loss, loneliness, or anything else, God wants to help you in your time of need. So stop staring defeatedly at your unfolded deck chair on the lawn.
Cry out to God for help today, and He will lift you up!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to intervene in whatever situation you’re facing today. Pray that you’d be able to trust in His power and rest in His love.
Questions for Thought
Why do we sometimes tackle problems on our own without seeking God’s help?
What are some situations in your life that you need to fully entrust to God?