Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. – James 5:13
Many years ago in Minnesota, there came a scourge of grasshoppers that threatened to destroy the entire state’s wheat crop.
The governor, who was a very devout Christian, called upon the people to observe a day of prayer for the removal of the plague. Secular papers laughed at this call to action and publically ridiculed the idea of an appeal to God.
So when spring came again and the grasshoppers came with it, the secular press felt vindicated, asking in their papers, “What good was a day of prayer?”
But after a little while, a parasite appeared that killed off many of the grasshoppers, keeping them from destroying the crops. Not only that, but it was also discovered that this particular parasite rendered the entire grasshopper swarm impotent, unable to reproduce.
Prayer works. It’s God’s gift to you for speaking to Him as a child freely asks his father for help.
And though God may not always respond as you’d expected or hoped, He will always respond in the way that is for your greatest good.
Do you have needs today? God is eager to hear your voice, so don’t hesitate to take your requests before your heavenly Father right now.
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would help you unburden your heart to Him.
Questions for Thought
What are some situations in your life that you’ve resisted praying about?
Why do you think Christians sometimes hesitate to pray or simply forget to pray?