Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3:5-6
An Australian physics professor used to illustrate the time of descent of a free-falling body by allowing a heavy ball suspended from the lecture-theater roof trusses to fall some 30 feet and be caught in a sand bucket. Each year the bucket was aligned meticulously to catch the ball—and each year students jokingly moved the bucket to one side so that the ball crashed thunderously to the floor.
Tiring of this rather stale joke, the professor traced a chalk line around the bucket. The students moved the bucket as usual, traced a chalk mark around the new position, but then rubbed it out and replaced the bucket in its original spot. “Aha!” the professor exclaimed, seeing the faint outline of the erased chalk mark. He moved the bucket over it and released the ball—which thundered to the floor as usual.
Quite often in the Christian life, it is easy to second-guess God’s will. We see where He wants us but are much more comfortable aligning ourselves with our own desires for life. And when the ball of challenging times drops, it should be no surprise that it crashes to the floor!
So instead of going your own way and second-guessing God, align yourself with His will found in Scripture, trusting fully that you will be safe in Him!
Prayer Challenge
Pray and ask God to help you align yourself with His will and give yourself wholeheartedly to obeying it.
Questions for Thought
What are some areas of your life today where you feel you aren’t aligned with God’s will?
How can you align yourself with God’s will in those areas and trust His way over your own?