Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others—the armies of heaven—praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” – Luke 2:13–14
On Christmas Day in 1914, just five months after World War I broke out in Europe, something amazing happened along the western front between German and British troops… peace.
As morning broke that Christmas Day, the sound of rifle fire gave way to voices on both sides singing Christmas carols and wishing those across enemy lines a “Merry Christmas.” Some British soldiers even heard a brass band playing from the German side.
For the next day or so, these enemy combatants came together and exchanged plum pudding and songs instead of bullets and mortar shells. They even joined in a friendly soccer match on the battlefield.
This incredible event went down in history as the Christmas Truce. Sadly, the unofficial ceasefire did not last, and soon these men were once again locked in deadly battles. Peace, it turned out, was too tenuous to last.
When Jesus came into the world, the angels also sang a chorus of praise and announced peace on earth to all men. But the peace that Christ brings is not a temporary cease fire.
He offers an end to hostility, not only between one country and another, but also between God and humanity.
Let us praise God for the promise of true, everlasting peace that we have in Christ Jesus this Advent season. And may we share this peace with others today.
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to help you experience the peace of Christ in your heart as you prepare to celebrate His birth.
Questions for Thought
Why are humans unable to accomplish a lasting peace apart from the power of Jesus?
How have you experienced the peace that Jesus came to give this world? How can you share that with others this week?