The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. – Lamentations 3:22

Traditionally, the fourth candle in the Advent wreath symbolizes love. Sometimes, after lighting it, congregations will sing the following refrain…
Light one candle for Love
One bright candle for Love
Christ brings Love to every heart
He comes, He comes.
This song reminds us of the love that Christ brings to our heart.
Unfortunately, “love” is a somewhat overused and watered-down concept these days. We think of warm fuzzies and niceness, or of couples whose hearts go aflutter when they see each other. But Jesus’ love is so much more than that.
Today’s reading from Lamentations gives us more clarity into what exactly His love does for us.
As sinners, we could rightly be consumed by the wrath of God, destroyed by His holy judgment. But because of His faithful love, the verse says, we are not consumed. What’s more, His love and compassion for us never fails.
There is no greater evidence of this great love God has for us than the arrival of Jesus on that very first Christmas. When He came to earth, the love of heaven came down with Him, and that same love would one day take Him to a cross to die for our transgressions.
So as the candle of love is lit this Advent, remember the unfailing, active love God has for you.
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to help you fully experience the great, unfailing love He has for you this Christmas season.
Questions for Thought
What typically comes to your mind when you think of God’s love for you?
How does this verse from Lamentations give you hope this week?