You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:7

A pastor once recounted how, as a child, his mother sent him to pick a quart of raspberries. Reluctantly he dragged himself to the berry patch. His afternoon was ruined for sure. Then a thought hit him. He would surprise his mother and pick two quarts of raspberries instead of one!
Rather than drudgery, his work had now become a challenge. He enjoyed picking those raspberries so much that fifty years later, that incident was still fresh in his mind.
His job hadn’t changed, but his attitude did. Instead of focusing on the hard work of picking berries, he focused on how he could use his time to bless his mother. And it was this change in perspective that made his job so much easier.
Many Christians today see giving as a task or a chore that they check off a list so they don’t get in trouble. Sadly, because this is their perspective, they miss out on the joy that comes by contributing to God’s purposes.
But what if, instead, you thought of giving with the end goal of supporting God’s work in mind? You see, when you give, you bless others and you show God’s love to those who need it. Giving is not about putting a little money in the offering plate, it’s about being an active part of God’s work here on earth. And when you see it that way, you can’t help but to give cheerfully!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to give you a Kingdom perspective when it comes to giving. Pray that when you give, you would do so with His purposes in mind and because of that, you would give cheerfully!
Questions for Thought
Does giving come easy for you or do you sometimes find it difficult to let go of your resources?
How can you change your perspective and become a “cheerful” giver?