Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:7

The famous economist Arthur Brooks wrote a book a number of years ago called Who Really Cares, in which he analyzed the demographics of America’s most generous people. This book remains a point of controversy for many today – and even Brooks himself didn’t like the results of his research at the time.
From the evidence he amassed, Brooks found that people who practice religion and live in traditional nuclear families are the most generous Americans, by every measure.
The religious were more likely to volunteer their time, give their money, and even donate their blood than any other demographic.
There’s something that happens when we give ourselves to God. We begin living beyond ourselves and see others through a lens of greater compassion and love. And that changes everything about us – including our giving!
God wants His people to love others through our words, our actions, and yes, our money. So however you choose to give, be generously devoted to showing the love of Christ to those who need it!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to show you how He would have you invest your time, talent, and treasure for His Kingdom.
Questions for Thought
Why do you think having a relationship with God causes people to be more generous?
Where has God called you to invest your time, talent, and treasure for His Kingdom?