That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day. – 2 Corinthians 4:16

The British minister, W.E. Sangster, had a disease that caused progressive muscular atrophy, and began to lose his voice and mobility. Recognizing the end was near, he threw himself fully into writing and prayer.
Sangster eventually lost his voice entirely, and his legs became useless as well. On Easter morning, he took a pen and wrote his daughter a letter. In it he said, “It is terrible to wake up on Easter morning and have no voice with which to shout, ‘He is risen!’ – but it would be still more terrible to have a voice and not want to shout.”
As we grow older, we may lose the ability to do things we once could. And though it can be easy to fall into a line of thinking that says, “I wish I could still… ”, far more important than how loudly you praise or how strongly you serve is your heart’s commitment to the cause of Christ.
Don’t be discouraged if you can’t do everything you once could. Give God your heart first and foremost. And though you may not be able to shout as loudly or serve as strongly as you once did, remember that God gives you the strength to do exactly what He wants you to do!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would strengthen your heart for Him daily.
Questions for Thought
What are some things you once enjoyed doing that have now become more difficult?
What are some ways God has enabled you to praise and serve Him today?