How to pray politically

A doctor, an engineer, and a politician were arguing one day about which profession of the three was older. “Well,” argued the doctor, “without the role of a physician, mankind could not have survived for all these years…”

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Does luck really exist?

Many of the small superstitions people have today are rooted in misunderstandings of Christians years ago. Medieval theologians, for example, argued that since a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, and a triangle is a symbolic reminder of the Holy Trinity, anyone who carelessly blunders through this mystical space is risking divine wrath…

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How to value those who labor for you

There’s nothing quite like looking at a newborn baby. But as adorable as they are, infants do not really appreciate what parents do for them. This is because they have short memories. Their concern is not what you did for them yesterday, but what you are doing for them right now. The past is meaningless and so is the future…

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An Encouraging Note from Warren & Virginia Olson

Dear Friend,
I heard a story from a pastor about a town in the Northeast that was going to be flooded due to the construction of a dam in one of the local rivers. As soon as the news of this spread, the town essentially shut down. Oh yes, there were people there, but construction stopped, buildings were no longer painted, and no repairs were made to anything.

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How to Experience God in a Whole New Way

A story is told about an evangelist named Gipsy Smith who lived in the late 1800s. Gipsy traveled all over the world, preaching on every continent and in many countries. And everywhere he preached, massive revivals would break out. So one day, people from a nearby community who had heard of Gipsy came to him and said, “Our town is spiritually dead. What can we do to start a revival?”

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A Note of Encouragement from Warren & Virginia Olson

Every four years, it’s such a treat watching athletes compete in the Summer Olympics. And one of our favorite events to watch is the marathon, where the runners begin in a stadium filled with onlookers, leave the stadium for a 26.2-mile run, and then return to the cheering crowd a few hours later to cross the finish line.

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Encouraging Others Through the Ups and Downs

Imagine this: You’re watching the very end of the Super Bowl and the score is tied. With just seconds left to play, one team snaps the ball and the quarterback barely escapes being tackled. And with all of his strength, he throws the ball to his receiver. It’s a fantastic catch! The receiver escapes one, two, three defenders and crosses the goal line just as the clock runs out to make his team the world champions.

The camera pans to the sideline of the winning team. Yet, when you’d expect to see them rushing the field and hoisting the receiver up on their shoulders, there’s only silence as they quietly walk back to the locker room.

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How to Know God Personally

Who’s your best friend? Perhaps it’s your spouse or a lifelong friend, or maybe it’s someone you met fairly recently. Why do you feel especially close to this person? Many would answer that question by saying it’s because you’ve developed a close personal relationship with them.

The word relationship has at its root the word relation. Webster defines “relation” as a connection by blood or marriage. God wants to have a personal relationship with us and to do this He sent His son Jesus who shed His blood for our sin.

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How to experience freedom from worry and stress

Over the years as I’ve met with men and women to talk about their spiritual health, I’ve been amazed to discover that there’s one thing that limits believers more than anything else. In fact, I’d say it’s the number one reason that most American Christians miss reaching their full potential as an instrument of the Kingdom. Stress.

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Help share Jesus with more hurting seniors like Alistair!

Thank you for your gift below to help put life-changing biblical content within reach of seniors all over the world just like Alistair!  Your gift today helps ensure Senior Living can be right there with struggling seniors – and remain a trusted source of spiritual encouragement to them through our many online resources.  So thank […]

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