What about people who simply say “no” after I’ve shared Christ with them?

Like I always tell people, don’t try to argue with them. If you can convince them that what you’re saying is true, someone else can convince them otherwise. When someone comes to Christ, it has to be God’s Spirit working in them, not clever words…

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I’m afraid of starting a spiritual conversation with my longtime friend because it might offend her. What counsel would you give me?

I suggest sharing what God has done in your life recently. That way you’re simply letting her know about some clarity you’ve received or a breakthrough you’ve experienced. It might not work the first time, but…

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How to Overcome Fear and Share Your Faith

In all my years of ministry, I’ve found there’s one topic of conversation that provokes more fear and anxiety than any other: sharing our faith. Many Christians would rather go swimming with sharks than explain the Gospel to a lost friend or family member!

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My wife and I have been married for over 30 years, and it seems like we’re in a rut. Can you give us any practical advice on how we can spice up our marriage?

Absolutely! After many years together, there comes a time when it seems you know each other so well you can finish each others sentences! And it’s easy to begin to take each other for granted…

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You talk about the need to listen to the voice of God when we pray, but how do we know that it is truly God who is speaking to us and not just our own thoughts we are hearing?

I truly believe that when you are able to get away from the distractions of everyday life, that’s when God speaks to you. So in these quiet moments, listen. When things come to mind, I believe it’s the Lord speaking directly to you. Of course, God will never contradict His Word, so be sure that […]

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Sometimes I have a hard time figuring out if what I’m praying for is the will of God. How can I know for sure?

One very important prayer-time companion is your Bible so that you can read what the Word says about what you’re praying about. For example, if you’re praying for patience with someone or something, read what God has to say about patience. If you are talking to God about depression or anxiety, read about His promises to bring comfort.

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I struggle with finding the time to pray. What advice can you give me on how to improve my prayer life?

I often talk to people who tell me the same thing. So I tell them to be creative in their prayer time. I know some people who pray while they’re getting dressed in the morning. Others pray during commercial breaks while they’re watching television. It’s amazing how much extra time you really do have in your day that you can fill with prayer!

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How to Have a Powerful Prayer Life

What’s the key to a powerful prayer life? If you could answer that question, you’d be a millionaire! That’s because in our fast-paced world, people want to know the quickest solution to every problem. Yet there’s no “magic bullet” to achieving a deep, meaningful prayer life. It takes time to cultivate intimacy with God.

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When my family gets together for the holidays, there’s usually a lot of conflict. How can we turn this year into a time of thankfulness rather than just more arguing?

This is a common question I hear this time of year as families get together. Let me say first that if you want to receive more of God’s blessings, you need to be obedient to Him…

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Sometimes I don’t feel like I deserve to be thankful for what I have.

All of us to some degree deal with guilt in our lives. This is because we’re born into a sinful world and we do sinful things. But when we come to Christ, the old is gone and the new has come (2 Cor. 5:17). Have you ever thought about how wonderful the grace of God is? Immediately after you do something wrong, that sin has already been washed away and never once counted against you. It’s as if it never happened!

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