“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
— Jeremiah 29:11
The international scene was tumultuous in 1809. Napoleon was sweeping through Austria and blood was flowing freely. The very foundation of Europe was being shaken, and uncertainty was everywhere. But in the midst of the turmoil, some very significant births were taking place.
For example, William Gladstone was born that year. He was destined to become one of England’s finest statesmen. That same year, Alfred Tennyson was born to an obscure minister and his wife. The child would one day greatly affect the literary world in a marked manner.
In Boston, Edgar Allan Poe began his eventful, albeit tragic, life. And, that same year produced the cries of a newborn infant in a rugged log cabin in Hardin County, Kentucky. The baby’s name? Abraham Lincoln.
While most thought the destiny of the world was being shaped on the Austrian battlefield, it was actually being shaped in the cradles of England and America. In much the same way, while the people of Israel were focused on Roman occupation and tyranny, the world’s future was being shaped in a manger in Bethlehem.
God shows up in unexpected ways. So no matter what negative circumstances you face today, remember that God is at work behind the scenes shaping your future and preparing a hope beyond your imagination!
Prayer Challenge
Thank God today for working behind the scenes to prepare your future and give you an amazing hope!
Questions for Thought
As you look at your life, what blessings are you experiencing today as a result of God’s work behind the scenes in the past?
How might your attitude change knowing God is shaping your future even in tough times?