When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.”
— 1 Peter 2:23-24
If you were to look at Rembrandt’s famous print The Three Crosses, you’d notice the focal point of the etching is the center cross onto which Jesus is nailed. Around the cross, you’d see Roman guards, mourning disciples, and a crowd of people scoffing and mocking the Lord as He dies.
As you look down at the edge of the print, there’s a shadowy figure, almost hidden from sight, whose face can barely be made out. Most art historians believe this is a representation of Rembrandt himself, who recognized that his sins were culpable in nailing Jesus to the cross.
Watching passion plays and reading the story of the crucifixion, it can be easy to walk away thinking, “How could those people send Jesus to the cross?” But the truth is that by our sin, we’re as responsible as those who drove the nails through His hands. The cross is a result of our sin.
But praise God that Jesus finished His work on the cross, taking away our sins and granting eternal life to those who believe in Him. That’s why we call today “Good Friday,” because while it was terrible for Jesus, it was good for us.
As we enter this weekend of reflection on Jesus’ death and resurrection, remember why He died and thank God that by His death, you can have eternal life!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would move you to deep thankfulness for Jesus taking away your sins on the cross.
Questions for Thought
Since Jesus has taken away your sin on the cross and you can receive His forgiveness by faith, what is the right response to His invitation to eternal life?
So what really is the answer to the question, “Who killed Jesus?”