For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
— Philippians 1:21
One day the famous evangelist George Whitfield was relating the difficulties of ministry to some friends. He said he was tired of the burdens and was glad his work would soon be over as he was getting close to going home to be with the Lord.
His other friends admitted having the same feelings – all except one, a Mr. Tennent. Whitfield asked, “Brother Tennent, you are the oldest among us. Do you not rejoice to think that the time is near when you’ll be called home with the Lord?”
The old man said bluntly, “I have nothing to do with my death. My business is to live as long as I can and serve my Savior as faithfully as I can until He thinks it’s time to call me home.” Whitfield accepted the word as a gentle rebuke from the Lord, and it encouraged him to continue going about his ministry.
As we reach the autumn years of our lives, it can be tempting to think our best years are behind us. This can cause us to become discouraged. But the truth is that our usefulness for the Lord never expires until the very moment He calls us home. So stay focused on the task at hand, encouraged that your best days are ahead when the Lord will use you in a powerful way!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to give you the strength and encouragement you need to continue serving Him faithfully all the days of your life.
Questions for Thought
What are some of the lies the world tells us about the ability of seniors to do great things?
How can you be sure you’ll continue faithfully serving the Lord until the day He calls you home?