Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers…
— Psalm 1:1
Bible teacher Harry Ironside told the story years ago of a Christian teacher who visited the Holy Land. He had an opportunity to address a gathering of Jews and Muslims, and chose to speak on the first Psalm.
So he read the Psalm and posed a question to his audience: “Who is the blessed man of whom the Psalmist speaks? Who is the name who never walked in the counsel of the wicked or stood in the way of sinners or sat in the seat of mockers? Was it our great father, Abraham?”
One Jewish man said, “No, it cannot be Abraham. He denied his wife and told a lie about her.”
“Well, how about the lawgiver, Moses?”
“No,” a Muslim man said. “It cannot be Moses. He killed a man, and he lost his temper by the waters of Meribah.”
There was silence for a long while. Then an elderly Jew arose and said, “My brothers, I have a little book here; it is called the New Testament. I have been reading it; and if I could believe this book, if I could be sure that it is true, I would say that the man of the first Psalm was Jesus of Nazareth.”
Only one perfect man has ever walked the face of the earth – Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin, led a sinless life, and died on a cross for our sins even though He Himself was sinless.
Jesus is the most unique person to ever live, and He’s worthy of our worship not just because He’s perfect, but because He’s God in the flesh. Follow Him today!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to give you a new appreciation of who Jesus Christ really is – not just a great person, but God Himself!
Questions for Thought
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Jesus?
How does Christ’s life and death impact your life today – as well as how you see eternity?