Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
— Psalm 119:105
Anatoly Shcharansky, a dissident Soviet Jew, kissed his wife goodbye as she left Russia for freedom in Israel. His parting words to her were, “I’ll see you soon in Jerusalem.” But Anatoly was detained and finally imprisoned. Their reunion in Jerusalem would not be postponed, it might never occur.
During long years in Russian prisons and work camps, Anatoly was stripped of his personal belongings, with the exception of a miniature copy of the Psalms. Once during his imprisonment, his refusal to release the book to the authorities cost him 130 days in solitary confinement.
Finally, twelve years after parting with his wife, Anatoly was offered his freedom. In February 1986, as the world watched, Shcharansky was allowed to walk away from Russian guards toward those who would take him to Jerusalem. But in the final moments of captivity, the guards tried again to confiscate the Psalms book. So Anatoly threw himself face down in the snow and refused to walk on to freedom without it because it was those words that had kept him alive during imprisonment.
Do you love the Word of God? Do you cherish His precepts so much that you would suffer for them? God’s Word is more precious than any earthly possession. So as you live your life, keep the Bible as the light to your path because in it you’ll find the way to the life God wants for you!
Prayer Challenge:
Pray and ask God to help you to walk the path of life with His Word as your light!