The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.— Proverbs 16:33
In 1980, Les Henson was a 6-foot, 6-inch forward on the Virginia Tech basketball team. He’ll never forget a game against Florida State in Tallahassee when, with two seconds left and the score tied at 77, Henson grabbed the rebound off the Florida State backboard and hurled the ball toward the opposite basket.
“It was eerie,” Henson recalled later. “You couldn’t hear a thing in the arena. Then it just swished through the hoop!” From nearly 90 feet away, Henson sank what was the longest basket in college basketball history. And not only that, he had thrown the ball with his right hand even though he was left-handed!
Perhaps you’ve been in a situation like that. You have to make a decision that’s quick, so you just throw it up and hope for the best. But the reality is that however “chance” a situation may seem, God is perfectly in control. Nothing happens outside of His sovereign hand.
This is such a comforting thought, especially when things seem to be spiraling out of your control. So when things seem chaotic, remember that God has everything in His hands. Trust Him to work all things out for your good!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to help you trust firmly in His sovereign hand when your life seems to be in chaos.
Questions for Thought
Think of a time in your past when life seemed so chaotic. Looking back, how was God working in the chaos?
How might a better understanding and acceptance of the sovereignty of God help you when the storms of life hit?