Through Warren’s vision and your support, Senior Living Ministries now reaches over 40,000 seniors each day with the hope and love of Jesus.
In 2002, God led and equipped Warren Olson to found Senior Living Ministries at age 73. As you read his story below and what led to the start of this ministry, we hope you’re inspired and also understand just how your ongoing support is so vital to giving seniors the hope and encouragement that only comes through Christ.
Warren was born in Los Angeles just before the Great Depression began. It was a time of great challenges, but also of great faith – as visionaries were about to start building the Empire State Building, and Charles Lindbergh was pioneering great feats in aviation. Most importantly, Warren grew up seeing the great faith of his parents, Elmer and Mildred Olson, who loved the Lord. As a result, his own faith journey started as a child – through his home and his church, Church of the Open Door in Downtown Los Angeles.
As Warren graduated from Hoover High School in 1946 and completed Glendale Community College two years later, the Baby Boom was just beginning.
In 1951, just as ‘I Love Lucy’ premiered on TV and rock ‘n roll was born, Warren married his childhood sweetheart, Virginia Lee Isaac – the beginning of 67 wonderful years of marriage. Their home was soon filled with four children: Judi, Chuck, Gregg, and Rick.
Six years later, Warren took the reins of the family business, later called Quality Architectural Products. During his 38 years as president, the company grew from 10 employees to over 100. During those years, Warren served faithfully at Church of the Open Door in a variety of leadership roles, including chairman of the Elder Board.
After years of manufacturing doors and windows, Warren saw another window of opportunity at age 71 – when he became the pastor of senior adults at his community church. This was a ministry he loved so dearly, it led to his God-given vision to go a step further and launch Senior Living Ministries in 2002, when he was 73.
The one thing that marked Warren’s life was his passion to help others know Jesus as their Savior. Rarely did a day go by that Warren didn’t share the Good News of Jesus Christ with someone in need. This has been and continues to be a hallmark of Senior Living Ministries.
The other thing that marked Warren’s life was a passion for prayer. He knew the power of prayer because he was convinced of the power of His God! It was this passion that birthed the Senior Living prayer ministry that impacts thousands of lives each year.
And while Warren was called home to heaven in July this year, his passion to bring the hope and encouragement of Christ to senior adults across the world has left a powerful legacy. Today, thanks to the support of generous friends like you, Senior Living Ministries touches the lives of over 40,000 senior adults every day.
Thank you for your support of this vital ministry that is helping so many seniors experience the life-changing hope and love of Christ. And in honor of Warren, let’s take to heart one of his favorite Bible verses:
“Be strong and take courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. GOD, your God, is with you every step you take.” (Joshua 1:9 MSG)