How to make the most of your days

By Michael Risley

Every day is a gift from God, no matter how mundane or challenging it may seem. We can waste it or live it in strength and purpose. First Corinthians 10:31 says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” How can you and I live a life that is above the ordinary? How can we live the abundant, full, and satisfying life Jesus wants us to live each day?

It is so contrary to how many of us grew up. In my family of origin you might hear, “Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get going!”… because life depended on you. There was no thought of prayer. In fact, there was no thought of God!

A life that is strong in God and brings Him glory is the challenge that each Christian has the opportunity to embrace. Let me give you some biblical teaching and suggestions for obtaining strength for your day:

Starting your day interacting with God is a great strategy if you want God’s strength throughout the day. Whether it is a long or short time in prayer and in His Word, you need to experience a fresh measure of His perspective, peace, and power as you begin your daily adventure with Him. One great way to do this is to sign up for the Daily Living Devotional. The Word of God and prayer are like two sticks of dynamite. You put them together and – POW! – God’s power is unleashed in your life!

God says, “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything” (Philippines 4:6a). Everything? Yes, everything! You and I should not just be praying in the morning. evening, and at mealtimes. Our lives should be characterized by prayer – talking to God about all the good and difficult experiences as they happen! Prayer is a critical part of learning to trust God moment by moment and allowing Him to be dominant and prominent in our lives.

God’s Word has been described as a life manual, giving us strength in the midst of life’s struggles. It’s so life-giving to be in your Bible! Psalm 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” God wants to light up your life with His wisdom and love. Don’t miss this gift!

Another way to be strong through God’s Word is by meditating on it. Psalm 1 is one of the many passages that talks of the life-changing power of constantly fixing your mind on the truth of Scripture. On a regular basis, I put a Bible verse or passage that is pertinent to me on a 3×5 card or on my mobile phone. Then I memorize it, pray it, think about it, and share it with others.

First John 1:9 proclaims, “But if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.”  We all slip up. But in order to be strong in the Lord, it’s so important to confess your sin to God. His grace is waiting, and He’ll give you the power through the Holy Spirit to move forward in obedience. Just ask!

My prayer is for you to experience true strength in your day because you have practiced James 4:8a: “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.”

Get more help drawing near to God each day with the Strength for Your Day devotional. It’s our gift to you when you give here to help more seniors embrace the life God intends.

We pray it helps you experience God’s incredible strength each and every day!