Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.— Psalm 119:133

For most of the 1980s, the city of Chicago experienced a tremendous budget crisis. This caused city officials to cut back wherever they could—often in drastic ways. But they learned the hard way there was a price to pay when, in 1992, a quarter of a billion gallons of murky Chicago River water gushed into a 60-mile network of freight tunnels under the central business district, bringing nearly all business to a halt.
It turned out that a top city official had known about the leak, but, acting for a cash-strapped government, he had delayed repairs costing only about $50,000. The final cost of repairs and cleanup for the incident was over $1.95 billion.
It’s been said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” But the truth is that many Christians today are just as guilty as the city of Chicago of waiting until the flood comes to take action. They go along their happy ways, giving God lip service here and there. And when hard times hit, they flock back to their faith as they struggle to understand what’s happening.
So instead of waiting until the wheels come off to run back to God, stay close to Him every day. That way, when the floodgates open, you’ll stay well afloat in His promises to deliver you and work everything out for your good!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would help you maintain a strong, steady relationship with Him in good times and in bad.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people forget about God when things are going well?
What’s one way you can ensure your relationship with God will stay strong through the easy and challenging seasons of life?