Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. — 1 Peter 4:10
A story is told of a woman who fell out of a second-floor window and landed in a slow moving garbage truck. She was surprised to open her eyes and find herself half buried in litter. A foreigner standing on the sidewalk saw the incident and quipped, “Another example of how wasteful Americans are. That woman looks like she’s good for at least another 10 years!”
It’s a funny story, but how many Christians today are wasting the gifts God has given them? They sit in the church pews each Sunday while their talents and abilities lie dormant and are never utilized for the Kingdom. What a terrible, terrible waste!
The truth is that God has given each of us a unique ability—a role to play and a purpose to fulfill—in His Kingdom. And to let that gifting lie dormant or use it for the wrong reasons is nothing short of sinful.
Don’t waste what you’ve been given. Whatever your talents and abilities—teaching, hospitality, administration, or anything else—put them to work for God’s purposes. When you do, you’ll discover real fulfillment as you maximize your gifting for His glory!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to reveal to you ways that you can put your gifts to work for His glory.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people are afraid to step up and get involved in the ministry of their church?
What’s one way you can use your natural abilities to bring glory to God?