For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky… — Philippians 2:13-15
The renowned Quaker philosopher Rufus Jones was once speaking to a crowd about the importance of having a radiant countenance. When Jones finished his lecture, a very plain-looking woman walked up to him and asked him what he would do if he had a plain face like hers.
Jones replied, “Madam, while I have troubles of my own of that kind, I’ve discovered that if you light up from within, any old face you have is good enough!”
Rufus Jones’ wise words are deeply rooted in biblical truth. In passages like today’s, we see that the attitude that is inside us is what is ultimately projected to the world around us. And when we allow God to work in us and cultivate the right attitude, we will shine in the world like stars in the night sky.
It’s easy to fall into the belief that to be an effective ambassador for Christ, you have to talk a certain way and look a certain way. But the character of Christ isn’t just seen in how clever or attractive you are. Let God’s Spirit transform your attitudes and actions from the inside. Then, let that change overflow to the world around you and show the external world evidence of your internal change!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to transform you from the inside out so that you can be a light in a dark world.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people fail when they try in their own strength to project the image of a “good Christian”?
If the attitude of Christ were to completely take over your life, how might you look different to the world around you?