The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable… — 1 Corinthians 12:21-22

In March of 1981, President Ronald Reagan was shot as he was walking toward the presidential limousine. Reagan spent several weeks in the hospital recovering from the injuries he sustained in the shooting. And although he was the nation’s chief executive, his hospitalization had very little impact on the daily lives of Americans.
On the other hand, garbage collectors went on a three-week strike in a major city not long ago, leaving the city in a mess, causing a major health hazard for the citizens, and bringing the city to a near halt.
Weeks without a president… and weeks without garbage collectors. Which of these had more impact upon the functioning of our nation? Clearly, the absence of the garbage collectors harmed the country much more than the absence of the President. And in the body of Christ, the seemingly insignificant members are often the ones that are most urgently needed.
Your church needs people who will volunteer for seemingly insignificant jobs. Because the truth is that these jobs are not insignificant at all. So don’t ever feel like you don’t have a crucial part to play in the Kingdom of God. Your skills and talents are needed. Get involved and use them!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to show you the ministry He’s given you to carry out with your gifts and talents.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people regard volunteering in the church as too menial for them?
How do you feel God has gifted you to serve? How can you get involved and start serving this week?