“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” — James 1:12

A story is told of a young boy in China who wanted to learn about precious stones. So he went to study with an old teacher. The teacher put a piece of jade into the youth’s hand and told him to hold it tightly. He then went on to lecture the boy about philosophy, history, and a vast array of other subjects.
This procedure was repeated for weeks until the boy became frustrated. When would he be taught about precious stones? But he was too polite to interrupt his elder.
One day, the boy came to class as usual. When the old man put a stone in his hand, the boy, without looking, cried out, “That’s not jade!”
When it comes to the difficult circumstances and situations we face in life, it can be hard to determine what God is doing. Our first inclination is to get out of our situation as quickly as we can. But the truth is that in those storms, He’s up to something. Every storm has a purpose.
Perhaps today you’re coming out of a storm and you’re starting to realize why God took you through it. Or, maybe you’re in the middle of a storm and are clueless as to what God is doing. Stay faithful and hold onto the hope that in every situation, God is working for your good.
Prayer Challenge
Pray and ask God to give you the patience and trust to believe He’s doing something great in the midst of life’s storms.
Questions for thought
Why do you think God often uses our hard times to do His greatest work in our lives?
How have you seen God at work through the storms you’ve faced?