We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. — Romans 6:4

A little girl named Heather was enjoying the church service one Easter Sunday, when the time came for the boys and girls to come to the front to hear the children’s sermon from the pastor. Heather confidently strolled to the front of the sanctuary, just as she did every Sunday.
Once the children were seated and quiet, the pastor asked, “Do you notice anything different about our church today?”
Without skipping a beat, Heather spoke up loudly and exclaimed, “Yes… it’s full!”
Heather’s words highlight an interesting phenomenon among many cultural Christians today – performing “religious duties” during special holidays while neglecting their spiritual lives throughout the rest of the year. But God never intended for worship to be confined to certain times of year.
While Easter is a wonderful time to specifically remember Christ’s death and resurrection, let that truth become your life. Celebrate the resurrection of Christ – and the fullness of new life He’s given you – every day!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would deepen your daily walk with Him by reminding you of the new life you’ve been given.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people confine their spiritual lives to special holidays like Easter and Christmas?
How can you be even more intent on celebrating the new life you’ve been given every day?