Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. — Romans 12:1
The chaplain walked in and saw the soldier lying on the bed. The news was bad. His leg had been terribly injured and had to be amputated. Now, it was up to the chaplain to break the news to the wounded soldier.
“Son,” the chaplain spoke as the drowsy soldier opened his eyes, “you’ve lost your leg in a great cause. You’ll never walk again. I’m sorry.”
The soldier’s parched lips opened as he struggled to make the words come out, “I didn’t lose my leg. I gave it.”
When we enter eternity, we’ll either be known as people who lost our lives, or gave them for a greater cause. And the key factor in how we’ll be remembered isn’t necessarily our means of departure (we don’t have to be martyred to give our lives), but it’s how we live every day.
If you want to give your life to a greater cause – live for that cause right now. And of course, there’s no greater cause, nor a greater King, than Jesus Christ. Live daily for Him and give your life for the sake of His Kingdom!
Prayer Challenge
Pray and ask God to help you live for Christ daily and give your life for the sake of the gospel.
Questions for thought
When you think about those who’ve given their lives for Christ, what comes to mind?
How can you begin giving your whole life for Christ today?