Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.— 1 Peter 4:10
A humanitarian group in Africa, noticing the filthy water, sewage, and disease, built a clean water and sewage system for a village, and gave it to them for free. Months later, the group returned and found the village had slipped back to square one with filthy water, sewage, and disease.
The chief told the humanitarian workers, “What did you expect? These people had been many years without clean water. They do not own these clean water stations, so they could not be persuaded to maintain them.”
The next day the humanitarians returned, determined to rebuild the water and sanitation systems with two conditions: The villagers would pay something for the water, and they would be taught to maintain the equipment.
With these new conditions in place, the water and sanitation systems were restored. This time the people had respect for the systems because they owned them. This time they were able to repair the system when it broke down. And when the humanitarians returned, the villagers had plenty of clean water and were living free of filth and disease.
God’s blessings are free – but we must take ownership of them and see them as something to be stewarded well. Own the blessings God has given you and use them as He intends, pointing others to Jesus Christ!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to show you how to steward the blessings He’s given you for His glory.
Questions for thought
Why do you think many people believe God’s blessings are for them alone?
What blessings have you been given that you can now use for God’s glory?