Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. — Ephesians 3:20-215

A missionary in Mexico told about a village where he was doing ministry. The villagers here had what he called a “scarcity mentality.” They believed there is only so much of the pie, and the more people you had, the smaller shares of the pie each would get.
For example, parents would only have one child because their belief was if they have two children, their love would be split in half, 50% going to one child and 50% to the other. So if you had 4 children, each child would only receive 25% of their parents’ love.
As a result of this belief system, the missionary found it very difficult to reach this group with the gospel because the people we’re consumed with greed. They believed that since there is only so much of the pie, they had to get as much as they could.
The missionary tried to teach these people about God’s way, and he phrased it the “abundance mentality.” He told them that God does not have a limited supply of love. God’s love is abundant, and He pours it out fully on all His children.
In His limitless nature, God has the capacity to give you far beyond what you could ever ask. And when you live your life with an “abundance mentality,” you have a much better understanding of who God is, and His capacity to love and bless you!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to make you more aware of His abundant blessings.
Questions for thought
Have you ever fallen into a “scarcity mentality,” where you believe God isn’t able to bless you?
How might your life look differently if you lived with a full “abundance mentality?”