You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand. – Psalm 16:11
A thief broke into the apartment of an aspiring writer one night. Trying to avoid waking him, the intruder quietly picked the lock on his desk. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a burst of laughter from the bed, where the young author lay watching the thief.
“Why are you laughing?” asked the thief as he turned around.
“I’m laughing at the risks you’re taking to find money in my desk in the middle of the night when I can’t even find it there during the day!”
It’s a tendency for all of us to search for fulfillment in places where it can never be found. Much like that thief searching frantically through a poor man’s desk, many people search to and fro for things in the world that will satisfy them. Yet, that search will inevitably end up going nowhere. Real and lasting joy simply can’t be found in the things of the world!
Don’t allow the lure of worldly things to lead you down the path of trying to find joy in them. Enjoy the material possessions you have, but don’t let them rule your life and don’t think they can fulfill you. Find your ultimate joy in your relationship with Jesus Christ alone!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to help you focus on finding your joy in Him alone, not the things of the world!
Questions for thought
Where have you been tempted to find your joy outside of Christ? What about it tempted you?
What’s one way you can focus more on finding your joy in Christ alone?