“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” – James 1:22

H.A. Ironside once said, “God forbid that we should traffic in unlived truth.” And these days, there’s nothing the world needs more than Christians who will faithfully live out what they know to be true.
As politics grows more corrupt and our culture seems unrecognizable, it’s tempting to distance ourselves from the struggle and just shout disapproval from the outskirts. But that’s playing right into the enemy’s hands. There’s nothing Satan would like better than to see seasoned saints throw their hands in the air.
You know the truth. God has placed His Word in your heart. He’s proven it in your life through experience. He’s never once left your side, and He never will. Now, He’s calling you to faithfully live out the Gospel so a watching world can experience His love.
Make it a point today to walk in God’s truth. You know it in your heart; now show it to the world.
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would give you opportunities and courage to share His truth through your actions.
Question for thought
What are some ways you could live out God’s truth today?
What do you think would happen in America if all God’s people backed up what they professed to believe with how they acted?