For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. – John 3:16

The island of Molokai in Hawaii has a fascinating history. In the 1800s, the island was a colony for people with leprosy – a horrible disease which today is curable. In order to keep the disease at bay, the government would send people with leprosy to live on Molokai.
A brave priest named Father Damien volunteered to spend his life serving the lepers on Molokai. He was shocked when he saw the physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering these people experienced. The island was a haven of hopelessness and despair.
So, Damien went to work building hospitals, clinics, churches, and coffins for the lepers on Molokai – all the while understanding the almost inevitable consequence of being in constant contact of people with such a contagious disease.
For years, Damien would begin each church service with the words, “My dear brethren.” Then, on one Sunday in 1885, he stood before them and addressed them as, “My fellow lepers.” He was one of them now.
It was out of love that this humble priest gave these lepers the gift that would change their lives – he became one of them. That’s what real love does – and it’s what Jesus did for you!
Prayer Challenge
Thank God that He loves you so much that He sent His Son to rescue you from sin so you can be with Him forever.
Questions for thought
What does it say about Jesus that He left heaven to come live as a person in order to save you?
How can you model Jesus by stepping into someone else’s life to love them?