Humble yourself before the Lord, and He will lift you up. – James 4:10
Do you long to walk closely with God? Do you desire to experience His presence? Do you want to make an impact for Him in people’s lives? Then you must root out pride in your heart.
It could be pride in your possessions, pride in your reputation, pride in your experience, or even pride in your faith. Whatever fuels your pride, let go of it.
C.S. Lewis said it best when he wrote…
“As long as you are proud, you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people. And, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.”
Pride distorts our view of reality. It lifts us up to where we don’t belong, puts others down, and blocks our ability to see God clearly. And a person who can’t see things for how they really are is a bit like a prisoner in their own mind. Blinded to who God is, they’re robbed of all He wants to be and do in their life.
But something amazing happens when you cast pride away and humble yourself before the Lord. In His love and grace, God lifts you up! When you let go of pride, God infuses your life with true dignity – the dignity of knowing who you are as a child of God and a joint-heir with Jesus Christ.
So don’t let pride blind you any longer to the glory of God and all He wants for you. Be free of its burden. Bow your heart and then lift up your eyes to see the almighty God who loves you unconditionally!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to reveal any pride that may be lurking in your heart. Pray for the grace to live with true humility.
Questions for Thought
What are some of the more subtle ways that pride can take hold of your life?
How does pride keep you from ministering to others?