Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. – Ephesians 5:15–17
Famed explorer Marco Polo, is well known for his exploits across the Silk Road. As one of the first Europeans to travel widely in China, he opened the eyes of an entire continent to the life and culture of the Far East.
It seems he inherited the travel bug from his father. In 1260, when Marco Polo was just six, his father and uncle traveled to Mongolia. When they arrived there, the emperor Kublai Kahn revealed an interest in Christianity. He asked the brothers to take a letter to Pope Clement IV requesting as many as 100 “wise men” to spread the Gospel among the subjects of his vast empire.
Three years later, the brothers arrived home, and two years later, they set out on their return trek. But instead of taking with them 100 Christian missionaries and teachers, they were joined by just two friars because that’s all the church felt it could spare. And even they didn’t complete the journey.
Talk about a missed opportunity. Imagine what could have happened if the church had boldly accepted the emperor’s invitation. The entire history of China may have been changed!
Every single day, God presents us with opportunities to make a difference for His Kingdom – opportunities to show love, speak truth, and meet needs. The trick is to see them and seize them.
What opportunity has God put in your life today? What invitation to make a difference have you received? Don’t worry about what to do, just focus on how you respond.
Because when we say ‘yes’ to God’s invitations, lives are transformed – including your own!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God will show you the opportunities He’s giving you to make a difference for His Kingdom. And ask for the strength to say “yes.”
Questions for Thought
Why do you think we often miss the opportunities God sends our way?
What could you do to make sure you’re able to see those opportunities more clearly?