“He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed.” – 1 Peter 2:24

The long-time pastor of First Baptist Church Dallas, W.A. Criswell, once recalled a vivid dream in which he watched Christ being beaten just before His crucifixion.
As Criswell recounted…
“I saw the Savior; His back was bare and there was a soldier lifting up his hand and bringing down that awful cat-o’-nine tails. In the dream, I rose and grasped his arm to hold it back. When I did, the soldier turned in astonishment and looked at me. And when I look at him, I recognized myself.”
For those of us who’ve been following Christ many years, it’s easy to forget how the relationship started.
It’s easy to forget what great sacrifice Christ made on our behalf. It’s easy to forget the agony He willingly suffered on the cross. And it’s easy to forget that it was our sin that led Him there.
But Jesus endured it all because He loves you with everlasting love. Yes, we too shouted with the crowd that day, “Crucify Him!” But what Christ cried out then He cries out even now, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
That’s the love Jesus has for you. It’s the love that built your faith, and it’s the love you can enjoy for eternity if you’re in Him!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to give you a fresh and vivid sense of Christ’s sacrifice on your behalf. Pray you’ll grasp anew His great love for you.
Questions for Thought
What are some ways you could respond in gratitude to Christ’s love?
How might Christ’s love for you make you think differently about a situation you’re facing today?