You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you, LORD, know it completely. – Psalm 139:3-4
Sir Christopher Wren was a famous 17th–century British architect who designed Windsor Town Hall near London. When he drew up the plans, he designed a ceiling supported by pillars. The municipal authorities inspected the building and decided the ceiling wouldn’t stay up. So they ordered Wren to add more pillars to the design.
Wren didn’t think the ceiling needed more support, so he built four “pillars” that essentially did nothing. In fact, they don’t even reach the ceiling, but appear to because of an optical illusion. These fake pillars fooled the authorities for the time being and the building stands to this very day.
Appearances can be deceiving. And for many Christians, putting on an appearance of having it all together takes priority over really growing in Christ. They talk about how joyful they are and have a happy face, but behind the smile are pain and heartbreak.
Don’t feel like you have to portray an image of having it all together. You may fool a few people, but it will ultimately hurt your spiritual health. Instead, be honest about your troubles and struggles and you’ll develop a healthy identity in Christ!
Prayer Challenge
Ask God to help you get past putting on a good face and be real and authentic with others.
Questions for Thought
Why do you think it’s often easier to put on a happy face and deceive others than it is to be real and open about our circumstances?
Who is one person you can open up to this week about what’s really going on in your life?