“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal.” — Matthew 6:19-20
A man named Milt Rood worked for years in Spokane, Washington as a car salesman. He was also very active with the Union Gospel Mission, working to help better the lives of juvenile delinquents. Each week, he’d teach the Word of God and pray with boys who needed his kind of leadership in their lives.
Milt went to the hospital one day experiencing pain and was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. They sent him home and he died within a week. After his funeral, a long-time friend remarked, “It’s interesting that at the funeral, no one ever asked how many cars he sold!”
Unless the Lord returns, every single one of us will face the same fate as Milt Rood. And when our days are done and people think of us, we won’t be remembered for our bank account or our worldly successes. We’ll be remembered for the difference we made in others’ lives.
The legacy you’ll leave is being written today. Don’t stake your legacy on worldly success. Leave a powerful legacy of faith, hope, and love to those around you. Give yourself daily to others and point them to Jesus. That’s how you can leave a legacy that will echo in eternity!
Prayer Challenge
Pray that God would help you to leave a powerful legacy of faith to those around you!
Questions for thought
Why do you think people are remembered much more for the lives they’ve touched than their worldly successes?
How can you invest in others today in a way that will leave a legacy?