How to soften the hardest heart

It’s amazing how our own minds can deceive us even when we know something isn’t true. Studies show that sugar pills, or placebos, can alleviate many symptoms if a sick person believes he is getting treatment…

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How to experience greatness through humility

When you look at how some of the world’s greatest inventions came to be, it’s amazing that many of these world-changing innovations had such humble beginnings…

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Why you can fully trust Jesus

Les Henson, a six-foot, six-inch senior forward on the Virginia Tech basketball team, will never forget a game he played against Florida State University in Tallahassee in 1980. With just a few seconds to go and the score tied at 77 points…

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How to pray politically

A doctor, an engineer, and a politician were arguing one day about which profession of the three was older. “Well,” argued the doctor, “without the role of a physician, mankind could not have survived for all these years. So I’m completely certain that mine is the oldest profession”…

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Does luck really exist?

Many of the small superstitions people have today are rooted in misunderstandings of Christians years ago. Medieval theologians, for example, argued that since a ladder leaning against a wall forms a triangle, and a triangle is a symbolic reminder of the Holy Trinity, anyone who carelessly blunders through this mystical space is…

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How to value those who labor for you

There’s nothing quite like looking at a newborn baby. But as adorable as they are, infants do not really appreciate what parents do for them. This is because they have short memories. Their concern is not what you did for them yesterday, but what you are doing for them right now…

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Find new life in Christ!

Consider Saul: He was one of the most feared persecutors of the church until his encounter with Christ (Acts 9:1–5). Our first personal encounter with Jesus may not be as dramatic as Saul’s, but our transformation will become evident to us and eventually to those around us…

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Don’t be troubled

For several years a woman had been having trouble getting to sleep at night because she feared burglars. Her husband did what he could to comfort her, but the woman simply could not let go of her fear…

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What it really means to be free

In his famous little book On Christian Truth, Harry Blamires suggests that we think of the human race aboard a hijacked jetliner flying through time. He writes…

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Use your words wisely.

A young boy with a bad temper was pushing his father to the limits. So one day, his dad handed the youngster a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper and said something unkind, he would have to drive a nail into the back fence…

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