The power of God’s Word for you

In his book, ‘The Wonder of the Word of God’, Robert Sumner tells about a man in Kansas City who was severely injured in an explosion. The victim’s face was badly disfigured…

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Unlocking the Power of Prayer in Your Life

William Tyndale was the first person to translate the Bible from Hebrew and Greek into English, making a Bible for the common people. But in 1535, he was betrayed by a friend…

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The reasonableness of your faith

“Forget what you learned in elementary school,” Charles K. Johnson used to say. “The earth is flat as a pancake. All that stuff about the earth being round is a big joke…”

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How to soften the hardest heart

It’s amazing how our own minds can deceive us even when we know something isn’t true…

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How to experience greatness through humility

When you look at how some of the world’s greatest inventions came to be, it’s amazing that many of these world-changing innovations had such humble beginnings. Take the first electric light, for example…

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Why you can fully trust Jesus

Les Henson, a six-foot, six-inch senior forward on the Virginia Tech basketball team, will never forget a game he played against Florida State University in Tallahassee in 1980…

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We Want to Help You Discover True Financial Freedom!

In our consumer-driven world, so many believers store their “treasure” here on earth (Luke 12:34) with little left to invest in the advancement of God’s Kingdom. For others with limited funds, experiencing peace and financial security seems impossible since there’s barely enough money every month to pay all the bills. Author Rick Dunham has known […]

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How to Make a Greater Impact for God’s Kingdom

By Warren Olson Each passing year is a reminder to you and me that our days on earth are numbered. While we can’t ultimately know if we’ll leave this earth due to a health issue, an accident, or how God sees fit to take us home, I want to remind you today that your life […]

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How to pray politically

A doctor, an engineer, and a politician were arguing one day about which profession of the three was older. “Well,” argued the doctor, “without the role of a physician, mankind could not have survived…

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Does luck really exist?

Many of the small superstitions people have today are rooted in misunderstandings of Christians years ago. Medieval theologians, for example, argued that…

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